S8 Insect Aspirator with Ø8 mm Pick-up Straw

  • Model:BA1002
Ordered Quantity 1-3 4-5 6+
 Discount -0% -5% -10%
Price per Unit ¥2,250 JPY ¥2,100 JPY ¥1,950 JPY

Filter at air-exhaust side of insect collecting compartment decreases risk of swallowing hazardous particles and reduces air pressure damage to insects. Solid insect collecting compartment with string holes is convenient for wearing the aspirator around the neck or elsewhere.

Insect pick-up pipe is easily removed and replaces a vial (DP0079-5, included) for transfer of caught insects.

Package Contents
x1 Aspirator Body
x2 Pick-up Straws (Ø8 mm)
x1 PP Plastic Vial (5 ml)
x2 Cotton Filters

Studies Using This Line of Products
Hsu et al. (2021). Insects, 12(11), 1022.
Yang & Nai (2023). Journal of Visualized Experiments, 197, e65312.