Nylon Netting (white, 150x150 mesh) [4 yards]

  • Model:DC0900-2_4P
Ordered Quantity (1) 1 2+
 Discount -0% -0%
Price per Unit (¥13,800 JPY) ¥13,800 JPY ¥13,800 JPY

Approximately 135cm wide.  We use this Nylon fabric in our BugDorm-2120F insect tents, BugDorm-2E120 insect tents, BugDorm-2400F insect tents, BugDorm-2E400 insect tents, BugDorm-4E series insect cages, BugDorm-4F series insect cages, and BugDorm-6E series insect cages.

The price is for four yards (approximately 3.66 meters).

Fabric Comparisons
Model #
Mesh Count
Mesh Aperture *
 per sq. inch
per sq. cm
Knitted Polyester
96 x 26
34 x 9
680 µm
Knitted Polyester
96 x 26
34 x 9
680 µm
Knitted Polyester
108 x 32
42 x 12
470 µm
Woven Nylon
104 x 94
41 x 37
300 µm
Woven Nylon
150 x 150
60 x 60
160 µm
Knitted Nylon
44 x 32
16 x 12
650 µm
* 1 µm (micrometer, also known as micron or µ) = 0.001 mm


Pack Contents
Four yards of continuous mesh fabric.
NOTE: If you order, for example, five packs of this item, you'll receive 20 yards of a continuous piece of the fabric.

Click to Search for Studies Using This Product Line

Collection of related articles from the last 10 years:

  • Can insecticide-treated netting provide protection for Equids from Culicoides biting midges in the United Kingdom?. Baker et al. (2015). Parasites & Vectors, 8(1), 1-17.
  • Hot water immersion as a disinfestation treatment for grapevine root cuttings against genetically diverse grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch. Clarke et al. (2019). Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 25(4), 396-403.
  • Onion Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Host Plant Preference and Performance are Mediated by a Facultative Plant Pathogen of Onion. Constancio et al. (2022). Environmental Entomology, nvac086.
  • Performance of Six Genetically Diverse Phylloxera Strains on 5C Teleki (V. berlandieri× V. riparia) Rootstock. Clarke et al. (2023). Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2023, 2259967.